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Classmate Profiles

     User has created a profile: 298
     Profile contains photos: 124
     In Memory: 113
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 113
     Military Service: 85
   Restricted to Classmates only


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 A-Z    Last Updated: 298    Newest Members: 298    Latest Comments: 237  

Terry Barber    
Nancye Beck    
Kenneth Best    
Joe Black    
Greg Bouten    
Earl Box     
Joe Burton    
Bill Cantrell    
Alan Carl    
Michael Cerny    
Rufus Cole     
Robert Crowe    
Jim Daniel   
Dennis Dodd    
Patti Elliott    
Mark Fenn   
Pat Gallagher    
George Gammon    
Curtis Gaylor    
Mike Gomez   
Buddy Guthrie    
Sam Gutierrez     
Ann Hammond    
Danny Hays    
Robert Hill    
Dean Howes   
Milton Hudman    
John Jones   
Pat King     
Roy King   
Zoe Kirk   
Steven Kondo     
John Larsh     
Larry Lee    
Arthur Macias    
Amy McClellan    
Ted McMurry    
Leonard Meeks    
Roy Messer   
Tim Mettlen    
Scott Meyer    
Jack R Miller    
Anne Mourning    
Pete Najar    
Kent Nelson    
Sean Nugent    
David Peebles    
David Plevak    
David Poteete    
Don Price   
John Price   
Danny Prier    
Mark Riensche    
Hal Roche     
Fred Salas     
Frank Slag   
Charles Smith    
Jack Spence    
Gary Stringer     
Michael Turri     
Lynne Uhring    
Steve Ulrich    
Gary Vann   
Stephen Webb    
Richard Welch     
Walt White   
Ken Wilcox     
Joe Wilkinson    

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